MIST Faculty Member Lt Col Khondaker Sakil Ahmed, PhD PEng, CEng Received “Best Paper Award” in “5th Annual Paper Meet & 2nd Civil Engineering Congress-2022” by IEB

Lt Col Khondaker Sakil Ahmed PhD, PEng, CEng of Civil Engineering Dept of MIST received best paper award for his article titled “SEISMIC EVALUATION OF PADMA MULTIPURPOSE BRIDGE PIER USING RESPONSE SPECTRUM ANALYSIS” presented in 5th Annual Paper Meet & 2nd Civil Engineering Congress-2022 oragnised by Instituion of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) with the technical support of BUET on 30th July 2022. In this article, the performance of Padma Multipurpose Bridge piers have been evaluated for Service Level, Design Basis, and the Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) for earthquake return periods of 475, 975, and 2475-years, respectively.
The author would like to thank MIST HQ, CE Department, R&D Wing, Admin Wing for their continuous supports. The author would also like to acknowledge the contributions of his MSc Student SM Moniruzzaman. Copy of these published articles can be accessed from the following links
If the links are not accessible, readers may contact directly to the author @ drksa@ce.mist.ac.bd.